Silverlight / WPF

Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, WPF, XAML, WCF RIA Services

Is Silverlight a digital media delivery platform, a Web development environment or a line of business rich client toolkit? Should you focus on WPF for client development? The answer to all these questions is yes, and that’s why Silverlight and WPF get their own track at VSLive! We’ll give the intro material you need to get going, cover Windows Phone 7 development, data visualization, design techniques and then move right into hardcore app dev topics like data binding and doing Silverlight/WPF development with the CSLA .NET Framework.

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Visual Studio Live! Redmond Focus Topics:
  • Silverlight/WPF
    Silverlight, WPF, XAML, VS10 Xaml designer, Blend, WCF RIA Services
  • Web
    Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, AJAX
  • Visual Studio 2010/.NET 4
    Visual Studio features, TFS, languages, parallel extensions
  • Cloud Computing
    Includes cloud, server and messaging technologies
    Azure, Amazon, AppFabric, REST services, “Dallas”, WCF, Windows Workflow
  • SharePoint Live
    SharePoint, Office
  • Data Management
    SQL Server, BI, reporting, analysis, ADO.NET EF, ANDS, oData, Sync services