T13 Bind Anything to Anything in Silverlight and WPF


2:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Level: Introductory

Prerequisite: None

Ken Getz

Ken Getz

Senior Consultant

MCW Technologies, LLC

Ken Getz is a developer, writer, and trainer, working as a senior consultant with MCW Technologies, LLC. In addition to writing hundreds of technical articles over the past fifteen years, he is lead courseware author for AppDev (http://www.appdev.com). Ken has co-authored several technical books for developers, including the best-selling ASP.NET Developer’s Jumpstart, Access Developer’s Handbook series, and VBA Developer’s Handbook series, and continues to write technical articles. Ken is a member of the INETA Speakers Bureau, and speaks regularly at a large number of industry events, including 1105 Media’s VSLive, and Microsoft’s Tech-Ed.

Binding is a key concept in Silverlight and WPF, and it can be confusing for developers new to the technology. In this session, you'll learn how to use both declarative and programmatic data binding, binding properties and data to WPF and Silverlight controls and their properties. If you're not an expert on Silverlight and WPF binding, you're missing a huge part of the experience.

You will learn:

  • Use the XAML Binding class
  • Create data converters
  • Add data templates to control the layout of bound lists