Next Generation Skills for Developers
VSLive! Developer Conference has been training developers, software architects, engineers, and programmers like you since 1993. As technology continues its rapid, endless march toward the future, we hope you will join us in San Diego, CA this September at the Bahia Resort Hotel and let us help you grow, succeed, and truly thrive.
VSLive! San Diego will gather the brightest minds in the Microsoft .NET community, offering a dynamic environment where you can immerse yourself in the latest technological advancements. Sharpen your skills in Visual Studio, Artificial Intelligence, .NET 8/9, .NET MAUI, Azure, Blazor, Microsoft Copilot, C#, modern data warehouse technology, and more.
Join us at VSLive! in Southern California to connect with industry leaders, discover real-world solutions to common challenges, and be inspired by the success stories and innovative ideas shared by your peers.
Check out the sessions, expert speakers, and fun activities headed to Visual Studio Live! San Diego!