Full Stack Web Development, Fast Focus

H14 Fast Focus: Reactively Retrieve Data with Angular's Resource API


11:00am - 11:20am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Deborah Kurata

Microsoft MVP and Google Developer Expert (GDE)

Consultant, Speaker, Author

With Angular's resource API, we can perform an asynchronous operation, such as retrieving data, and return the result as a signal. And it automatically refreshes that data when query parameters change!

Imagine the user selecting an item from a dropdown list and the application data automatically adjusts to that selection.

Bottom line, the resource API gives us reactive asynchronous operations that return a writable signal. This dramatically simplifies our data access code.

You will learn:

  • How to use the resource() and rxResource() features
  • Discover the benefits of a reactive approach to data retrieval
  • Understand how to automatically refresh data when query parameters change