VSLive! 3-Day Hands-On Training Seminar:
Master Modern JavaScript: Unlock the Full Potential of Your Code
June 2-4, 2025
9:00AM – 5:00PM Central
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
JavaScript has evolved dramatically in the past decade, introducing powerful features that simplify coding, enhance performance, and enable cleaner, more maintainable applications. Are you ready to level up your JavaScript skills and take full advantage of these advancements?
Join our comprehensive workshop designed to immerse you in the latest and greatest JavaScript features. Discover tools and techniques to write less code, work smarter, and create cutting-edge web and server applications. Whether you’re working on the front end, back end, or both, this hands-on workshop is your gateway to mastering modern JavaScript.
Topics covered in this seminar:
- Streamline Your Code with Built-in Methods: Explore newly added methods for strings, dates, numbers, and arrays. These enhancements can dramatically reduce your codebase while improving readability and efficiency.
- Write Robust Applications with Exception Handling Master try, catch, and finally blocks to build resilient applications. Learn how to create custom exceptions and navigate JavaScript's built-in error types.
- Understand Variable Scope and Hoisting: Gain clarity on how let, const, and var influence variable scope and behavior. Avoid common pitfalls by understanding how hoisting works in modern JavaScript.
- Embrace Object-Oriented Programming with ES6 Classes: Leverage the power of ES6 class syntax to structure your applications. Learn to encapsulate functionality using private fields, public properties, and methods, while taking advantage of inheritance and constructors.
- Simplify Dynamic HTML with Templating: Say goodbye to error-prone string concatenation. Harness the power of template literals and templating engines like Mustache.js or Handlebars.js to create dynamic, easy-to-read HTML.
- Master Asynchronous Programming: Keep your applications responsive and efficient by diving into promises, async/await, and Web Workers. Learn techniques to handle asynchronous operations with ease and confidence.
- Build a Node.js Web API Server: Develop a full CRUD API using Node.js and the Express framework. Gain hands-on experience testing your APIs with Postman and integrate them seamlessly into your projects.
- Leverage the Fetch API for Data Handling: Move beyond XMLHttpRequest and simplify your API calls with the Fetch API. Learn to handle HTTP requests and responses for seamless integration with your Web API server.
- Build a Node.js Website: Take your projects to the next level by building and hosting a fully functional website using Node.js and Express. Learn how to serve web pages to users worldwide.
Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to sharpen your skills or a beginner eager to stay current with industry trends, this workshop offers practical knowledge you can immediately apply to your projects. With the many updates to the JavaScript language, this is the perfect course for learning how to use the new functionality. Paul D. Sheriff's expertise and knack for breaking down complex technologies into easy-to-learn snippets guarantee an enriching and rewarding learning journey for all attendees
Attendee Prerequisites:
This seminar assumes you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and programming. You should also be familiar with HTML and CSS. You must be familiar with using an editor such as VS Code. A basic knowledge of node.js and npm is ideal, but not essential.
Attendee Workstation Requirements:
You must provide your own computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab workshop with a camera, reliable Internet connection, speakers, and a microphone.
The following technologies must be installed on the computer prior to the start of the Seminar on Monday, June 2nd:
- Modern browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
- VS Code (https://code.visualstudio.com)
- Node.js (https://nodejs.org)
- Node.js Package Manager (npm) - Installed with Node.js