Chalk Talks, Data Management

TCT2 Chalk Talk: Building N-Tier Applications With Entity Framework 4


1:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Level: Intermediate

Leonard Lobel



Sleek Technologies, Inc.

The first version of the Entity Framework (EF) did not support entity objects detached from the object context, making it difficult or impossible to use EF in any serious n-tier application. The situation is vastly improved with the release of .NET 4 and the new Entity Framework, which supports a number of strategies that enable and simplify n-tier development.

In this demo-packed session, Lenni will show you how to work with EF in disconnected and service-oriented architectures. You’ll see a number of scenarios up close, along with the code that makes it work. We’ll begin with simple cases of attaching disconnected objects to the context, and then move on to richer scenarios involving basic WCF services, and higher-level abstractions with WCF Data Services and WCF RIA Services. You’ll also learn how to create POCOs (plain old CLR objects) and Self-Tracking Entities using the specialized T4 templates now available in Visual Studio 2010. Attend this talk, and learn how to build n-tier applications with Entity Framework 4 today!

You will learn:

  • How to use EF in disconnected architectures
  • How to use WCF RIA Services for rapid n-tier development with Silverlight
  • How to leverage self-tracking entities with WCF services