DevOps in the Spotlight

TH05 Any App, Any Language with Visual Studio Code and Azure DevOps


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


Microsoft has the cross-platform religion. Bring your Linux or macOS computer and build your next big thing with Azure DevOps and Visual Studio Code. In this session Brian will cover how you build cross-platform solutions using Visual Studio Code on Windows, macOS, and Linux using .NET Core, JavaScript, and SQL Server. Will cover extensions, the command-line, and putting your code Azure Repos or GitHub, manage your work with Azure Boards, and deploying with Azure Pipelines.

You will learn:

  • How to configure your inner loop with Visual Studio Code
  • How to configure your outer loop with Azure DevOps
  • How to build for closed and open source with Azure DevOps or GitHub