Database and Analytics

TH13 Power BI 2.0: Analytics in the Cloud and in Excel


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Andrew Brust

Senior Director, Market Strategy and Intelligence


Version 2 of Power BI adds new visualizations, developer APIs and an improved mobile story. It offers a free cloud service along with a Professional subscription for $10 a month, and the version 1 requirement of an Office 365 subscription is gone, gone, gone!

But using Power BI doesn't mean you have to go to the cloud at all. Power BI components like Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Map provide massive analytics power, right inside Excel.

Power BI provides a lot to take in, so come to this session to get up to speed quickly on what Power BI has done since version 1 and sink your teeth into everything that's new for version 2.