Workshop, Windows 8 / WinRT, For Developers

VSM03 Workshop: Build a Windows 8 Application in a Day


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Rockford Lhotka



Building a Windows Runtime (WinRT) app requires that you understand the WinRT environment, API, and related services. In this workshop you’ll learn how to build a WinRT app in .NET and XAML from the ground up. This includes choosing the right project template, building the UI, interacting with remote services, integrating with the Windows 8 operating system through charms and other WinRT API services, and more. By the end of the day you’ll have a good understanding of WinRT development and everything the Windows 8 platform has to offer.

You will learn:

  • How to get started with Windows 8 WinRT app development
  • About the WinRT API and the features it provides for development of Windows Store Apps
  • bout WinRT app deployment through the Microsoft Store, and via sideloading for enterprise LOB apps