Human Factors in Engineering

T19 Navigating your Career as a Software Engineer


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory

Allen Conway

Microsoft MVP

Azure App Modernization Consultant


Whether you are just getting started in your engineering career, have a few years under your belt, or have significant tenure and wondering about your next move, there are many decisions to make as a software engineer. Evaluating when to make your 1st move, technology focus, consulting vs. corporate app dev, moving to leadership or management vs. coding are all choices a software engineer will have to make. In this session we'll discuss the array of selections we might confront and how to evaluate these decisions targeted to software engineers at all stages in your career coming from someone with over 20 years of industry experience.

You will learn:

  • About career progression options as a software engineer
  • How to weigh and consider options and decisions throughout your career
  • About the tradeoffs of different decisions in your software engineering career