Modern Software Engineering

W04 Creating Effective Distributed-Team Development Environment


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Mitchel Sellers


IowaComputerGurus, Inc.

Remote work within the technology space has become more, and more common, yet the tooling and processes for remote developers are far from standardized. In this session we will explore the various methods that teams can utilize to create an effective distributed team environment for software development that balances the needs fo remote developers, automation, and synchronization while avoiding bottlenecks and individual developers stepping on each others toes.

In this session, we will explore source control processes, build automation, development and other environment configurations, and the methods that one might be able to work together in a distributed team, regardless of the particular environmental needs for your specific software solution.

Attendees will leave with an understanding of how they might structure their environments to improve productivity, reduce manual effort and provide my consistency across all developers.

You will learn:

  • Understanding common pitfalls of distributed teams and development processes that were not architected around the distributed teams
  • Pros/Cons of various models of deployment for remote teams with various additional levels of dependencies (VPN or otherwise) and how teams can overcome them.
  • Illustrative concept examples of how common project types (MAUI, ASP.NET MVC, etc) would be structured to support a distributed team.