Developing New Experiences

H16 What Do Your Users Really See: The Science Behind User Interface Design


2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Introductory

Billy Hollis

Developer. Designer. Speaker. Author.

You can’t design effective interfaces if you don’t understand how your users actually see and think about their screens. In this UX design session, we'll discuss the most important principles concerning how the human brain and visual system determine how users see application interfaces. We'll look at Gestalt principles for grouping and highlighting, inattentional blindness and change blindness, how users scan through a view, and how to promote clarity in interfaces with levels of emphasis. Tests will help attendees see how they personally experience these principles, and better understand the challenges faced by their users when views and pages are not designed to respect design principles. You’ll probably walk out with some tangible, science-based ideas on ways to improve your application’s UI.

You will learn:

  • How the science behind the human visual system affects user perception of app screens
  • See examples of poorly designed screens that don't respect how the visual system works
  • Find out ways to apply new UI technologies to leverage how users see screens