Modern Software Engineering

H15 GitHub Actions in Action


1:15pm - 2:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Marcel de Vries

Global MD & CTO


So, you know the basics of GitHub actions, but how do I organize the Action Workflows so they are maintainable, use as few minutes as possible, save cost, and match the GitFlow branching strategy? This session will answer all these questions by showing a full end-to-end solution with multiple microservices in a mono repo while deploying individual services to a kubernetes cluster. We will go through cost and performance optimizations and ways to separate Continuous Integration from Deployments and Deployments from releases. This way, you will be able to release any moment of the day without interrupting your users.

You will learn:

  • How to use gitHub Actions
  • How to set up CI/CD pipelines in a traceable way
  • How to secure your action workflows