Human Factors in Engineering

H07 Distracted Development


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory

Josh Ether

Speaker, Coach, Author, Consultant

The internet has fundamentally changed the way we work. The way we work has changed so much that the term 'work' is now obsolete. We are always ‘online’, always ‘connected’, always ‘available’. We are constantly bombarded with emails, Twitter notifications, Facebook messages, and Slack messages. As a result, we have become a generation of multitaskers.

The problem with multitasking is that it is simply not possible to do two things at once. When we try to multi-task, we are just switching our attention from one task to another very rapidly. This process of switching attention from one task to another uses up a lot of mental energy and can lead to mistakes being made.

Together will explore the phenomenon of "Distracted Development" or multitasking in multiple contexts. Delving into the impact of multitasking on delivery, quality, and productivity. Discuss suggested ways in which we can overcome the challenges posed by multitasking.

You will learn:

  • Understand the myth of Multi-Tasking
  • Uncover strategies to more productive work
  • Realize the human aspect of work