Full Stack Web Development, Workshops

F02 Workshop: Building Blazor Applications


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Jason Bock

MVP (C#)

Staff Software Engineer

Rocket Mortgage

Allen Conway

Microsoft MVP

Azure App Modernization Consultant


Rockford Lhotka

VP of Strategy


Blazor is a modern .NET application framework, primarily used to build web applications. Since its release in 2020, it has evolved with new features and capabilities, enabling developers with the ability to produce high-quality applications for their uses. In this workshop, we’ll cover numerous features that Blazor brings to the table. We’ll discuss different hosting models and how you can use them to your advantage. At the end of the workshop, you’ll leave with a comprehensive understanding of the Blazor landscape.

You will learn:

  • How to build web, desktop, and mobile apps with Blazor
  • About authentication and authorization with Blazor
  • How to build apps top to bottom, from the UI to data access, with Blazor and .NET