TH27 ASP.NET - Rudiments of Routing


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Walt Ritscher

Walt Ritscher

Staff Author at LinkedIn

The MVC routing engine is a core part of any ASP.NET MVC application. Get the MVC routing right, and your site will be a pleasure to use, simple to bookmark and rank high in search engine results. Getting it wrong, though, can lead to subtle bugs, or worse. This session covers the fundamentals of routing, touching on custom routes, useful URL constraints and proper route error handling. You'll learn how to write unit tests for routes, mock the framework with MOQ and how to debug problems in the route tables with Glimpse. You also see how to use the route data in your controllers. Finally, you'll examine the new Attribute routing features that provide the mean to set route per Action method.

You will learn:

  • How to configure routes to your best advantage
  • The best strategies to unit test your route
  • Explore server side route debugging with Glimpse
  • Examine the Attribute routing changes