Windows Client

TH13 XAML: Achieving Your Moment of Clarity


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Introductory

Miguel Castro

Miguel Castro



Melvicorp LLC

WPF is back! And to this day, there many who are still having problems taking the plunge into WPF or Windows Store Apps. Looking at XAML scares a lot of folks, but Miguel is here to tell you that the intimidation factor far exceeds the complexity factor. The key to understanding XAML development in WPF and Windows Store Apps is to visualize your view in a different way. In this session, Miguel will show you how to easily do just that. So close your eyes and learn how to see the XAML in your head. If you've not yet used XAML, now is the time to start!

You will learn:

  • To understand the XAML visual tree
  • How to think differently about UI design
  • About XAML data binding