General Sessions

Wednesday Keynote: Building Applications with the Modern SQL using AI and Microsoft Fabric


11:00am - 12:00pm

Level: Everyone

Justine Cocchi

Senior Program Manager


Davide Mauri

Principal Product Manager


Denzil Ribero

Principal PM Manager, Azure Database for PostgreSQL


Bob Ward

Principal Architect, Microsoft Azure Data


We hear from developers they still love SQL! Join the Microsoft team to see the strategy of building applications with your data hosted by a modern SQL ground to cloud. We will show practical examples of how to build Generative AI applications with your data securely and at scale. You will also learn how to use Microsoft Copilot experiences to help you build your application, manage your database, and develop SQL queries. You will also learn how to take advantage of the integration of SQL with Microsoft Fabric opening new possibilities for your data in a unified platform for analytics and AI.