Human Factors in Engineering

T04 Lessons Learned from 10 years of Developer Advocacy


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Introductory

Sam Basu

Developer Advocate


Technical developer advocacy is no longer a role that one has to explain – it is critical to the success of most software product companies. We've heard the saying - it's all about what others know that you know. Influence is how we often move up in our careers, but integrity, reputation and humility are critical to success. In our modern connected digital lives, the craft of building up influence in the software industry has evolved over the years - come learn the many nuances to be successful. Take away well-accepted tricks of the trade applicable to most audiences – with real world anecdotes and failures. How do you tell stories & weave your message in? How do you stay humble while making a name for yourself? How do you create a niche, write well, speak well and move the needle? How do you scale? How do you create value? How do you inspire? And above all, how do you be a better human each day? Come be awesome!

You will learn:

  • Know most nuances of DevRel positions
  • Tips & tricks to be successful
  • Get perspectives from real world experiences