Web Client

T11 TypeScript for C# Developers


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Chris Klug

Senior Software Developer


Over the last few years, JavaScript has solidified itself as the universal language of the Web. All attempts to change this, like Flash and Silverlight, have failed. You might as well accept that if you're going to be working with anything related to the Internet, it's likely that you will be using JavaScript.

Even if you ignore the browser and stay on the server, projects like Node.js is gaining popularity and putting JavaScript there as well. Unfortunately, JavaScript isn't the easiest language to learn and understand. It's full of awesome features mixed with really bad ones. And being as flexible as it is, tooling has a hard time keeping up. This is where TypeScript comes in. TypeScript is a superset to JavaScript that tries to solve a lot of these problems, and make the code more structured, and less error prone. And it also offers tooling support in a way that JavaScript just can't. So why not join this session and get an introduction to TypeScript, and see what it can do for you?

You'll learn:

  • The benefits of using TypeScript over JavaScript
  • How having static types removes a lot of the problems with building large applications using JavaScript
  • How much easier it is to build front-end applications when you get working IntelliSense