DevOps and Beyond

W04 Continuous Delivery Using Azure Paas Services


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate

Geert van der Cruijsen

Azure AI Lead & Management Consultant


Automated pipelines and deployments have grown a lot in popularity over the last years. But taking the actual step to continuous delivery is a step that for many teams is still a bridge too far. Complex infrastructure like Kubernetes has a lot of features of making continuous delivery possible for teams but they come with a really high learning curve and add a lot of complexity that most teams don’t actually need.

In this talk Geert will explain how you could take advantage of continuous delivery practices like blue/green deployments, feature flagging or canary releases using Azure Paas services such as Azure Web Apps in combination with Github Actions or Azure DevOps. Join this talk for practical examples and that you can start using tomorrow on your own projects so increase the quality and speed of your software delivery process.

You will learn:

  • Continuous delivery practices
  • About adding Continuous delivery to your project
  • Practical tips to improve your delivery process