Modern Apps Live

TH06 Building for the Modern Web with Single Page Applications


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Intermediate

Allen Conway

Lead Consultant


Learn about modern web applications using a SPA and some of the supporting technologies behind this implementation.

Single Page Applications (SPAs) built with HTML5 and JavaScript (or TypeScript) are increasingly popular both for their light weight and performant nature. These responsive apps run in a modern browser and provide the user with a rich smart client experience that is generally consistent across different browsers and platforms. In this session you will learn about Single Page Applications as an implantation choice, their viability, advantages/disadvantages, and comparison to traditional ASP.NET web applications. With a deep supporting cast of available technologies to support building a SPA both on the client and the server, there are no shortage of choices to be made either. You will see some of the popular technologies used in building a SPA including AngularJS and TypeScript for the front end, with a combination of Azure Websites, WebAPI, and Azure Mobile Services on the backend.