Who Should Attend?

This 4-hour workshop is for any JavaScript/jQuery developer who wants to learn about some APIs they may not have used in their web applications. If you are looking to add geolocation and mapping, video or webcam control, templating, or a professional-looking file uploading process, then this is the course for you!

Tips and Tricks for the JavaScript/jQuery Developer
Level: Intermediate

This workshop explores 5 different front-end techniques to make your web pages more dynamic. HTML5 adds a geolocation object to help make locating the current user's latitude and longitude quick and easy. Once you have this information, you can use Google Maps or Microsoft's Bing Maps to display that location on a map. You can also get directions from one address to another using API calls.

If you have non-sensitive information you wish to keep while a user browses your site, use the browser's built-in storage objects. Learn to use both session storage and local storage to keep user data around for a session, or in-between sessions.

Working with media is easy in today's browsers. You may display videos using the <video> tag, and even start, pause, and stop videos programmatically. Learn to create a Zoom-like interface by programming controlling the users' microphone and webcam.

Instead of writing code to build repeating sets of data (such as a table or a gallery), use a templating library such as Mustache. These libraries are efficient and make your code smaller and easier to maintain.

Uploading multiple files to a web server with a title and description can be done using jQuery, Ajax, templating, and a Web API. You will learn to build an asynchronous multiple file upload process complete with a progress bar for each file.

You will learn:

  • Geolocation and Mapping
  • Session and Local Storage
  • Displaying Videos and Controlling the Webcam
  • Templating
  • Asynchronous File Upload

Meet Our Speaker

Paul Sheriff

Paul has over thirty years of experience architecting information systems and his expertise is in much demand from Fortune 500 companies. Paul is a top-notch instructor, a pluralsight author, has published 200+ articles, and authored over 14 books on topics ranging from C#, SQL Server, and many .NET technologies. Paul speaks at many different conferences and user groups around the world.


4-Hour Virtual Training Workshop
Early Bird Registration through September 11
Standard Registration through September 23

**Please note that since this virtual workshop is not a webinar, it is one (1) person per registration.

REFUND AND CANCELLATION: You may substitute one person in your place by contacting [email protected] at least five business days prior to the event. If you must cancel, please notify our Conference Registrar in writing by the Early Bird deadline, September 11, 2020. Your fee will be returned, less a $50 cancellation fee. Cancellations made after the Early Bird deadline as well as "no-shows" are liable for the full registration fee.

Virtual Classroom Requirements

All remote users need to participate in a Virtual Training Room event is a computer with camera, wired internet connection, speakers, and a microphone -- it's that easy.

Why Visual Studio Live!

Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!™) conferences and training seminars offer intense developer training and knowledge-share to software developers, programmers, architects, designers and more that are looking for training they can put to use immediately back in the office. Join our unique brand of training on .NET, the Microsoft Platform, open-source technologies and more. Visit us at vslive.com.


Questions or Want to Learn More?
Email Brent Sutton at [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you!