Software Practices

W09 Distributed Architecture: Microservices and Messaging


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Rockford Lhotka



Building distributed systems provides great benefits in terms of reliability, scalability, deployment flexibility, decoupling of disparate services and apps, and so on. Actually realizing these benefits can be a challenge. It requires architects and developers pay a lot of attention to app and service boundaries, messaging patterns, and data ownership. This session is an architecture-focused dive into distributed systems design, including the creation of microservices, apps, and the messaging patterns used to communicate between them.

You will learn:

  • About the challenges you'll face when trying to realize the benefits of distributed systems
  • How to manage service and app boundaries to achieve practical decoupling
  • About messaging patterns that are key to successful interaction across the services and apps in a distributed system