W14 Build Data Driven Web Sites with WebMatrix 3 and ASP.NET Web Pages


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Rachel Appel

Senior Developer Evangelist


In this session, you'll learn how to do the basics to get a web application up and running using WebMatrix and the Web Platform Installer, from start to deployment.

WebMatrix is a free web development tool from Microsoft that features a complete stack (web server, database, and programming). It's lightweight, installs quickly, and has been designed to make things easy when building a web site from start to finish. In this presentation, you'll learn how to do the basics to get a web application up and running using WebMatrix and the Web Platform Installer, from start to deployment. We'll create a custom web app using HTML5, JavaScript and ASP.NET Web Pages that performs common actions like accessing data and using social media APIs.

You will learn:
  • WebMatrix and how to use the WebMatrix IDE
  • How to code ASP.NET Web Pages
  • How to develop web sites