Data Management

W14 Building RESTful Services Using Windows Communication Foundation


1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Level: Intermediate

Jon Flanders

iOS Developer


REST is an architectural style for building services. It has been popular outside of the Microsoft development community for many years, and is quickly becoming the de facto standard inside, as well. Microsoft has enabled this style of services with new programming model and runtime enhancements in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 3.5. This programming model enables developers to build Services using a RESTful architecture. In this session we cover the basics of REST, how to build this type of service using WCF 3.5 & WCF 4.0, and about the other features (such as AJAX/JSON, Feeds, and WCF Data Services) that this Web programming model enables.

You will learn:

  • Learn what REST is and isn’t
  • See how WCF implements RESTful programming
  • Understand when to use custom services versus WCF Data Services