Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

W15 WCF Tips & Tricks – From the Field


4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Christian Weyer

Christian Weyer

CEO, Solution Architect


The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is here and it is hip. But: the more generic a framework like WCF is, the more complex it gets. The more features a framework offers, the more likely it is we miss important and powerful options. Christian Weyer tries to present his personal favorite list of WCF tips and tricks – all gathered from years of experiences in real-world customer projects. If you need to apply WCF in your projects or try to get more out of WCF, you may not want to miss this session. Be sure to know your basics, though.

You will learn:

  • How WCF can be used in a more productive way
  • How to tweak WCF
  • From client projects' experiences