Silverlight / WPF

TH5 XAML Primer - Clarifying the UI Markup Language


9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Level: Introductory

Walt Ritscher

Walt Ritscher

Staff Author at LinkedIn

At first glance XAML seems like little more than another XML dialect. It is an essential part of Silverlight, WPF and other .NET API's and it doesn't appear to be that hard to learn. But once you start exploring XAML you stumble across terms like DependencyProperty, RoutedEvents and Markup extensions. These are crucial concepts to understand when learning XAML and this session provides the guidance you need to get started. You'll also explore the element composition model and discover the cool extensibility story behind Attached Properties. This talk includes a discussion of the latest enhancements available in XAML 2.0.

You will learn:

  • The rudiments of XAML
  • The parts of the Dependency Property System: Registration, Dependency Properties and Attached Properties
  • How RoutedEvents are different from .NET events
  • The differences between MarkupExtensions and TypeConverters