Cloud Computing

T08 Managing Dev/Test Environments in Azure


10:45am - 12:00pm

Level: Introductory

Claude Remillard

Group Program Manager


With modern development practices and cadences, more than ever both applications and environments require frequent changes. However, obtaining and modifying dev and test environments often involves significant effort and long delays, resulting in many turning to the cloud as the alternative. In this session we will discuss how to create and manage dev/test environments in Azure in a shareable, configurable and repeatable way. We will walk you through how to use Azure services and Visual Studio tools for Azure to author and manage Dev/Test environments. We will also cover how to leverage these environments in VSO and TFS Build and Release Management.

You will learn:

  • How to create Dev/Test environment on Azure
  • How to deploy to Dev/Test environments from VS
  • How to use a Dev/Test environment in Release Management