Software Practices

T19 Building A Development Culture of Collaboration


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Justin Collier

Product Owner

SmartBear Software

Collaboration is a key element to success in our business and personal lives. In personal relationships, it might be working with your spouse to build goals and fulfill dreams. In the business of software, it is making sure that releases go out on time with as few defects as possible. Regardless of your team size, there are tools and best practices that can make collaboration easier. However, no tool or best practice matters if you don't build a strong culture.

Building a strong culture is critical to the success of any organization. Positive cultures that have taken years to build can quickly become negative cultures in a matter of months. Many people are afraid that their peers or managers will judge them for speaking up. So, how can you as an individual contributor or a manager help ensure your team and organization are building not only quality products but building a strong culture of collaboration? During this session, you'll hear about the challenges that many teams face and how to overcome them, software quality, swaying the naysayers and the benefits of collaboration.

Discussion points will include:

  • The power of listening and asking questions
  • Negativity and the impact it has
  • What it takes to create a software quality culture and owning the process
  • Tools that assist with collaboration
  • How to overcome objections