ALM / DevOps, Workshops

M01 Workshop Continued: Build a Modern ASP.NET App in the Cloud with a full CI/CD Pipeline in VSTS


2:00pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


DevOps is an organizational transformation that starts with people, process, and then products. It's a journey of continuous improvement that requires changes just about everywhere. As a developer, how can you embrace DevOps at a more technical level? You've heard you need to change the way you work with version control—trunk-based development? The idea of feature flags sound intriguing but how do you do it? Do you still need testers? How do you get to "10 plus deploys a day"?

It this all-day workshop, Brian will break the day down into five parts where we'll start with nothing and end with an ASP.NET app with a SQL Server Database running in Azure with a full continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline managed by Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).

First, there will be a review on the current thinking on DevOps. Next will be the planning & tracking phase where the architecture of the app will be broken out and defined. Then the dev & test phase where we get feature flags implemented, CI builds working, manual and automated tests, and more. In the release phase, will look at how you create a deployment pipeline to multiple environments and how you validate a deployment after its release. Finally, the monitor & learn phase will cover analytics and user feedback and how you start the cycle over again.

By the end of the day you'll have the technical knowledge on how to build a modern ASP.NET and SQL Database solution that runs in Azure and has a full DevOps flow using VSTS.