Mobile Client, Microsoft Sessions

T16 Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps in C# with Azure Mobile Services


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Nick Landry

Senior Technical Evangelist


The Cloud is the perfect extension for mobile applications. Mobile apps don't exist in a vacuum, you never know if you'll have 10 or 10,000 users, and sooner or later you'll need to save user data in the cloud, perform operations server-side for enhanced scalability, or monitor data feeds to push notifications to your mobile users. Windows Azure provides the best infrastructure for mobile developers across all platforms thanks to cross-platform storage, authentication and push notification services, all residing in the cloud. This session explores how you can build cloud-enabled cross-platform applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone using C#, Xamarin tools & frameworks, and Windows Azure Mobile Services.

You'll learn how to authenticate users via Microsoft, Google, Facebook or Twitter credentials, store data remotely in SQL databases, table storage, blob storage, and more, all through live cross-platform demos. Whether you're a weekend warrior building consumer apps or a corporate mobile developer building apps for the enterprise, the cloud is the perfect companion for your mobile apps. Come learn how easy it is to harness its power.