Windows Client

T16 Applying UX Design in XAML


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Billy Hollis

XAML Slinger

In this session, you'll see XAML examples of modern application design, with implementations you can take home.

Modern apps can be written on several UI stacks, but XAML shines as a platform for innovative productive user experience. In this session, you'll see XAML examples of modern application design, with implementations you can take home. You'll see a desktop shell, a mobile search screen, and improved replacements for the infamous "wall of data grids" design. You'll see examples of visualization of data using XAML visual elements, in which raw data is transformed into visuals that the user assimilates quickly and easily. If you work in XAML, don't be satisfied with screens that look like brightly colored Windows Forms – come to this session to see ways you can create more compelling and productive experiences for your users.

You will learn:
  • See basic XAML techniques for getting the look and feel of a modern app
  • Understand options for replacing data grids with better user experiences in XAML, using innovative and advanced data templates
  • Learn ways to transform data into user-centric representations using XAML visual elements