Windows Client

TH06 What's New in WPF 4.5


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Walt Ritscher

Walt Ritscher

Staff Author at LinkedIn

Join Walt for an information packed session showcasing the improved features in WPF 4.5.

WPF is the go-to UI tool for building stunning, interactive Windows desktop application. Sure, HTML 5 and Windows Store Apps (aka Metro) get most of the publicity nowadays, but corporate developers across the world are quietly building impressive LOB apps with WPF. Microsoft implemented a lot of new features in WPF 4.5. Join me for an information packed session showcasing these improved features.

You will learn:
  • See the binding improvements added to the API
  • How to use the new Async APIs and learn the threading improvements
  • About the Live Shaping for list data