SharePoint / Office

W19 Real World Workflows with Visual Studio 2012, Custom Forms, Tasks, Events and Workflow CSOM


3:15pm - 4:30pm

Level: Advanced

Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell


Consultant, Instructor, Developer, & Author

Andrew Connell Inc.

Learn how to make very useful and compelling solutions with SharePoint 2013.

With a solid understanding of what's new with SharePoint 2013 workflow, the next step is to learn how to make very useful and compelling solutions with it. In this demo laden session you'll learn how to create both flowchart and state machine workflows and incorporate custom association and initiation forms into your workflow. In addition you'll learn how to create custom tasks and outcomes for your users and even interact with the workflow engine and running workflows using the new client side object model additions in SharePoint 2013.

You will learn:

  • How to incorporate and work with forms in SharePoint 2013 workflows
  • How to incorporate and customize tasks and task outcomes for SharePoint 2013 workflows
  • How to utilize the SharePoint 2013 workflow services CSOM & JSOM