Web and JavaScript Development

T17 Fiddler and Your Website


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Robert Boedigheimer

Principal Systems Developer

Schwans Shared Services, LLC

Learn how to use Fiddler to capture traffic from smartphones, tablets, and non-Windows platforms.

Fiddler is a great free tool for monitoring HTTP traffic between clients and web servers. It is very helpful for troubleshooting web sites and for gauging performance. Review the basic features and explore advanced techniques for extending Fiddler. Learn how to use Fiddler to capture traffic from smartphones, tablets, and non-Windows platforms.

You will learn:

  • Basic tracing capabilities to help troubleshoot problems with web sites
  • See how to extend Fiddler with custom extensions
  • Use Fiddler even when using other platforms and devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.)