Windows 8 / WinRT

T05 Building Windows 8 Line of Business Apps


9:45am - 11:00am

Level: Intermediate

Robert Green

Robert Green

Technical Evangelist, Developer Experience and Evangelism (DX)


In this session, you'll explore how to build Windows 8 Line of Business apps using existing data and services.

New platforms mean new opportunities. Windows 8 provides new opportunities for a wide range of apps. Everything from games to news, readers to front-ends, to CRM systems. It also provides new opportunities for developers of custom line of business apps. In this session, you’ll explore how to build Windows 8 LOB apps. We’ll cover how to work with existing data and services, how to build user interfaces that present data to users while still following the Microsoft design language principles, how to authenticate users, how to test apps and how to deploy LOB apps on Windows 8.

You will learn:
  • Some of the key technologies and techniques you can use to build Windows 8 line of business apps
  • How to leverage many of the skills and much of the code you already have to build LOB apps on the new Windows 8 platform
  • Understand that Windows Store apps can span a variety of scenarios that include business apps as well as consumer apps