Windows 8 / WinRT

TH21 Windows 8 Apps with MVVM, HTML J/S, and Web API (An eCommerce Story)


4:15pm - 5:30pm

Ben Dewey


Mobile Practice Lead, Windows Division

Tallan, Inc

This session offers a complete end-to-end walk-through of the re-imagining of an eCommerce application into a Windows Store app using the new Modern UI concepts.

Looking for a complete example of a Windows Store app using all the latest technologies? Look no further, this presentation offers a complete end-to-end walk-through of the re-imagining of an eCommerce application into a Windows Store app using the new Modern UI concepts. This story begins with a RESTful service created with ASP.NET MVC's Web API and uses HTML/JS and the MVVM pattern to create a native app experience fitting for Windows 8.

You will learn:
  • How to use ASP.NET MVC Web APIs to create a RESTful Web Service
  • How to reimaging a typical web experience using the Windows 8 Modern Design concepts
  • Patterns for structuring a complete application in HTML/JS