SQL Server

TH19 Getting to Know the BI Semantic Model


2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Andrew Brust

Senior Director, Market Strategy and Intelligence


Learn how your current development and database skills can be applied to the hottest areas in technology right now.

The Business Intelligence Semantic Model (BISM) is central to Microsoft’s analytics strategy. BISM powers the newest components in Microsoft’s Business Intelligence stack, and is in reality an important weapon in Microsoft’s Big Data arsenal as well.

More important, BISM is essentially a relational model for BI and analytics, for the first time opening up the Microsoft BI world to professionals working with SQL Server and other relational databases.

In this session, longtime Microsoft BI expert and ZDNet Big Data blogger Andrew Brust will explain BISM, by showing it to you at work inside PowerPivot, SQL Server Analysis Services and Power View. Along the way you’ll learn about DAX (Data Analysis eXpressions), xVelocity in-memory and column store technologies and how BISM interfaces with Big Data and NoSQL data stores. Most of all, you’ll learn how your current development and database skills can be applied to the hottest areas in technology right now: the worlds of Data Science, Big Data and BI.

You will learn:

  • The basics of PowerPivot, SSAS Tabular mode and Power View
  • About the BI Semantic Model and DAX expression language
  • Understand column store, Big Data and NoSQL technologies, and how to use them together