Delivery and Deployment, Fast Focus

W12 Fast Focus: Ultimate Presentation Formula for Nerds


2:00pm - 2:20pm

Level: Intermediate

Justin James


Let Your Nerd Be Heard

As a techie, we need to be able to talk to more than just 1s and 0s. Talking to computers is great but we also need to be able to talk to humans and give an effective presentation if we want to be seen as the go to expert. Join me in this interactive session to get the critical techniques I used to grow from 0 talks to giving 200+ talks at over 75 events around the world.

Public speaking just like talking is a skill that can be learned with the right training and mentorship. Being shy and introverted doesn't have to doom you to a life of only talking to computers even though it is really cool to talk to computers.

You will walk away inspired to share your knowledge and be seen as the go to expert.

You will learn:

  • Be able to stand out from the typical corporate presentation
  • Walk away with 3 changes you can instantly make for a greater impact
  • Get a formula that you can use to quickly put together an awesome talk