Cloud, Containers, and Microservices

W15 Fast Focus: What Manifests are These?


2:00pm - 2:20pm

Level: Introductory

Mike Benkovich

Developer, Business Owner, Consultant, Cloud Architect, Microsoft Azure MVP and an Online Instructor

Working with Kubernetes means understanding more than just that I have an App or an API that I want to deploy. A manifest is a specification that Kubernetes uses that is specified in JSON or YAML that specifies a desired state for an object that Kubernetes will maintain when you apply it. Understanding how to define and configure the various parts of a manifest, as well as which objects do we need is crucial to success with orchestration. In this session we’ll dive into the core things you need to know to help you navigate your Kubernetes adventure.

You will learn:

  • What is a manifest and
  • How do you work with them
  • What tools are available to make working with Kubernetes manifests easier?