The Core of .NET, Fast Focus, Microsoft Sessions

VH12 Fast Focus: Visual Studio Debugging & Diagnostics: Tips & Tricks


11:30am - 11:50am

Level: Intermediate

Harshada Hole

Sr. Product Manager


Join us for a session blending essential Visual Studio debugging methods with the innovative Co-Pilot assistance. Learn tips for efficient debugging, from breakpoints to watch windows. Discover how Co-Pilot enhances your debugging workflow with intelligent suggestions tailored to your coding patterns. Elevate your debugging game and unlock the full potential of Visual Studio in this concise and insightful session.

You will learn:

  • Master essential Visual Studio debugging techniques
  • Harness Co-Pilot assistance: Utilize AI-driven suggestions to expedite issue resolution
  • Gain practical insights: Walk away with actionable tips to immediately enhance debugging proficiency in Visual Studio