The Core of .NET

W19 Mastering Entity Framework: High Performance Advanced Query Concepts


4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

Level: Advanced

Mitchel Sellers


IowaComputerGurus, Inc.

Join us for an enlightening journey into the world of Entity Framework as we delve deep into advanced query concepts, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a true EF master. In this immersive session, you'll uncover the power and versatility of Entity Framework, taking your database access and manipulation skills to the next level.

Entity Framework is a vital component of modern software development, allowing developers to interact with databases seamlessly while abstracting away the complexities of SQL. However, true mastery of Entity Framework goes beyond basic CRUD operations. It involves harnessing the full potential of EF's query capabilities to build efficient, scalable, and maintainable data access layers that make use of all major functions of the underlying database engines.

Using real-world scenarios, we will discuss advanced querying concepts such as JSON queries, performance optimizations, usage of functions such as String_AGG, and other optimized database functions. As well as the management of user-defined functions, and other critical application functions.

Attendees will leave with knowledge of concepts, functions, and techniques to improve their existing EF queries as well as make more informed decisions in future application changes.

You will learn:

  • Usage of advanced filtering and projection techniques to retrieve precisely the data you need.
  • An understanding of query performance tuning, caching, and other optimization strategies to ensure your applications are lightning-fast with EF
  • Acquire best practices and design patterns for building a robust and maintainable data access layer with Entity Framework, applicable to a wide range of real-world scenarios