Cloud, Containers, and Microservices

W08 The Fin-tastic Way to Boost Your Cloud ROI: An Introduction to FinOps on Azure


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

René van Osnabrugge

DevOps Strategy Consultant


Are you tired of overspending on cloud costs? Want to optimize your Azure spending and boost your ROI? Look no further than FinOps! In this session, we'll dive into the basics of FinOps and why it's becoming increasingly important for organizations of all sizes. We'll also explore the specific tools and features available on the Azure platform that can help you implement FinOps successfully, including cost management, budgeting, and optimization tools.

Whether you're new to FinOps or have experience in the field, this session will provide valuable insights and practical tips for maximizing your cloud savings. So, join me in this session and learn how to become a FinOps pro on Azure!

You will learn:

  • The basics of FinOps and its importance for optimizing Azure spending and boosting ROI
  • About the specific tools and features available on the Azure platform that can help you implement FinOps successfully, including cost management, budgeting, and optimization tools
  • Practical tips and best practices for becoming a FinOps pro on Azure, including strategies for maximizing cloud savings and improving financial visibility