Data & Analytics

T08 How to Build Secure and Scalable Applications with Microsoft SQL


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate

Bob Ward

Principal Architect, Microsoft Azure Data


In this session, you will learn from a Microsoft architect with 30 years of experience on how to ensure your application is secure and highly scalable across any Microsoft SQL product or cloud service including SQL Server and Azure SQL. We will show you techniques for your code, T-SQL, and the database engine to ensure you can meet modern applications' needs for security and performance. Plenty of demos in this session including how to use tools like AI-assisted Copilots to be more efficient.

You will learn:

  • About concepts of security and performance for applications that use Microsoft SQL
  • How to ensure your code is not a bottleneck for databases
  • Tips from Microsoft experts on how to avoid security and performance problems for your application based on customer experiences