The Core of .NET

W06 Introduction to Actor-based Development with Project Orleans


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Chris Klug


Active Solution

There are some domains that are really hard to model using your standard n-tier architecture. Domains like real time vehicle tracking, auctions and many IoT scenarios. Sure, they might look easy enough, and "work on my machine", but when you start throwing some load at it, it can start to crumble quite quickly. And going down the good ol' "Eventual Consistency Road" isn't always an option, as consistency is actually important in some cases.

However, these aren't new problems, and smart people have already created solutions for them. Solutions like the Actor pattern, which solves the problem by using in-memory "actors" to make life simpler. Unfortunately, the Actor pattern introduces another set of challenges. Things like instance proxying, state management, clustering, actor distribution and so on. Topics that most of us don't feel like solving on our own. Luckily, Microsoft has already built all of this for us, in something they call Project Orleans.

Why not join Chris Klug, as he explains how Project Orleans can help you to solve scenarios like the ones described above. It might be worth noting though, that if you like slide heavy presentations with lots of theory and little practice, you should probably stay away. This session uses lots of demos to show you the practicalities of getting started building solutions using Project Orleans, and the features is offers. So please come well rested, and ready for a lot of coding.

You will learn:

  • To understand what the Actor model is
  • To understand how Project Orleans gives us access to an Actor model
  • To see how we can use the Actor model to build advanced solutions