Cloud, Containers, and Microservices, Workshops

M02 Workshop: Dapr for Building Distributed .NET Applications


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Marcel de Vries

Global MD & CTO


Modern distributed applications require much more than just application logic. Features such as state management for services, communication using publish/subscribe messaging and event-driven binding to cloud resources might be needed. Dapr introduces a runtime to offer such building blocks, and is less invasive in your application, allowing you to pick and choose what you need. In this workshop, we will look at the approach that the Dapr runtime takes with a sidecar architecture, separating application logic from the Dapr runtime components. You learn to develop distributed applications in .NET using Dapr's features and, how to bind to messaging infrastructure and cloud resources.

You will learn:

  • Understanding Dapr and side-car architecture
  • Dapr components and actor programming model
  • Programming container-based applications in .NET using Dapr