DevOps in the Spotlight, Hands-On Labs

HOL01 Full Day Hands-On Lab: Better DevOps using GitHub for Open Source and Inner-Source


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Mickey Gousset

DevOps Architect


Brian A. Randell

Staff Developer Advocate


With over 40 million users, GitHub is the center of the open source universe. Yet GitHub is also a wonderful platform doing DevOps for your private and inner-source projects. Join Brian and Mickey as they take from start to finish building a modern cloud-first app using C# and .NET Core and get it up and running Azure.

Though the whole journey, you’ll apply good DevOps practices using GitHub Repos, GitHub Issues, Project boards, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Registry. You’ll learn how to create “shared source” and determine if you want to share only with your team using inner-source, or if you’re ready to go the whole way and start sharing code via open source. Regardless, you’ll learn best practices to build your apps better using GitHub.

You will learn:

  • How manage your code and assets with GitHub
  • How manage projects with GitHub
  • How to build and release with GitHub

Attendee Requirements:

You must provide your own laptop computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab.

Experience with C# coding required.

Laptop requirements:

  • A Windows x64 computer with Wi-Fi where you have local administrator rights
  • Visual Studio 2019 Community, Professional, or Enterprise with the ASP.NET, Database, and Azure workloads installed (additional specifics if needed will be provided two weeks prior to the hands-on lab)
  • A valid, active Azure subscription where you (the attendee) are an administrator