Database and Analytics

TH10 SQL Server 2017 - Intelligence Built-in


1:00pm - 2:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Scott Klein

Senior Content Manager


SQL Server 2016 and SQL Server 2017 just work, and they work well. If you are a IT professional, though, you want to be armed with all the right diagnostics to react to a mission critical problem or tune the engine to the needs for your business. DevOps also requires the right tools to build and tune queries for maximum performance. SQL Server 2016 and 2017 have all the diagnostics you need just built-in to the product. There is also intelligence built into the engine based on these diagnostics to automate, learn, and adapt. This demo-filled session will show you the wide variety of these built-in diagnostics and performance tools, and you will learn why SQL Server diagnostics are the best in the industry, built-in, and spans all platforms across SQL Server, Azure, and Linux.

You will learn:

  • The wide variety of built-in diagnostic and performance tools that let SQL Server learn and adapt, provide the "intelligence"
  • Why SQL Server diagnostic and performance tools are the best in the industry across SQL Server, Azure, and Linux
  • How to arm yourself with the right tools to build and tune queries for maximum performance, and to be able to appropriately react to mission critical problems