Modern Apps Live!, Workshops

M04 Workshop: Modern App Technology Overview - Android, iOS, Cloud, and Web


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Allen Conway

Lead Consultant


Brent Edwards

Brent Edwards

Principal Lead Consultant


Kevin Ford

Mobile Practice Lead


Nick Landry

Senior Technical Evangelist


If you haven't built apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad) or Android with Xamarin, Windows Universal Platform Apps (Windows10) Microsoft Azure, TypeScript, or AngularJS, this workshop is ,for you. This workshop is designed as a crash course for beginners who want to understand the basics of these technologies. We highly recommend it for Modern Apps Live! attendees because the content in the later conference sessions assumes you have at least some understanding of the technologies presented in this session. When you leave, you'll have an understanding of the development options and core techniques for Xamarin (iOS, Android), TypeScript and AngularJS, Universal Windows Apps, and Microsoft Azure so you'll be ready to build compelling modern apps.